Our back garden at Fifteen Gibson street, well really Beach street is growing with thanks to the student volunteers from the Rosebud Secondary College last term and Bunnings Warehouse Rosebud.
This week we are joined by Loretta and the student volunteers from the Westernport Secondary College, so it is about time we named the garden.
The students will be following on with work on signage and decorating the raised garden beds. Marion T. our key gardening expert and volunteer will join us as we plan to make scarecrows next week too.
I have put a shout out for any old gum boots being thrown out that we can plant out and use as our first art installation.
Thank you to Coralie S. who has donated a totem pole which we need more mosaic pieces donated to complete.
This garden will be based on Education and Sustainability using the concepts of upscaling and repurposing common objects that would have been destined for land fill.
The Seed Pod will be complimenting our Community House and the Little Gum Early Learning
I "reckon" the name is fitting. What do you think?
